Saturday, December 6, 2008

Only in College

Can you go sledding on cafeteria trays at 2:00 a.m. with your roommate and your neighbor across the hall. I am bruised and exhausted, but it was so worth it! Our neighbor Zac is on the Cross Country team, so last night (this morning, rather) after we got sick of watching youtube, he took us to this hill that the team runs workouts on. It's a pretty big hill I must say, and I didn't even know it was there. So we got all bundled up (I am definitely bringing back some more snow apparel after break) and trekked out with the trays Zac had to the hill. At the hill, we found two more trays that had been left there in the snow. These were bigger and better for sledding than the other ones, and now Zac has quite the collection of cafeteria trays... Anyway, we had a blast! We slid down the hill four or five times before we got tired of climbing back up. On one run, I fell off the tray and it went halfway down the hill without me! Then, obviously, we had a mini snow battle. We would scoop up fresh snow on the trays and fling/dump them on one another. I think I lost the fight. :-( Now I have to stay in and study all day to make up for all the neglecting I did yesterday. I have a paper to rewrite, another paper to write, and three tests to study for. NOT FUN!